sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

True Love is Kind

Now here is an interesting thought. We just talked above about love being unconditional, meaning that your love remains regardless of your loved ones actions. The flipside of that is that if your partner is truly in love with you, then they would be unable to treat you badly. Love is kind, always. When you feel true love for another person, you are unable to treat them badly, even at the most irritating of moments. This is not to say that there are never any disagreements between two people that are truly in love. Your trip down the road of life will be paved with many arguments, from choosing the best wedding centerpieces to using cloth or disposable nappies. But none of those arguments will last long, and they will always end in complete forgiveness

True Love is Trusting

Distrust is a terrible thing between partners. If you feel that your partner doesn’t trust you, or you aren’t completely trusting your partner, it can cause extreme friction in your relationship. Being truly in love means that you can both go anywhere, speak with anyone, and do anything, without your partner sitting at home worrying about what you’re up to. Jealousy and insecurity may be natural responses for those of us that value something greatly, but your partner is not a possession, and should not be treated like one.

True Love is Unconditional

True love makes absolutely no judgements of another person at all. If you truly love someone, then that love will not be swayed by anything. Now, this point confuses some people, because it doesn’t mean that YOU have to agree with everything the person sasy or does, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have morals and standards, if that person is mean or unfair, then there is no need to put up with it. What I mean is that the feelings of love will remain, regardless. This can be really difficult for some people, especially people that are in an abusive relationship. Making a decision to separate yourself from the one you love is one of the hardest decisions you will ever make.

Te amoo

T amooooooooo

sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010



Fica comigo!
Não vês que sou teu abrigo,
só vives se estás comigo
e teimas em ficar sem mim...

Fica comigo!
Sei que não és indiferente
ao meu carinho envolvente;
Te esmoreces junto a mim...

Fica comigo!
Não desperdicemos o tempo
e todo amor que há dentro,
quase sem espaço, de ti e de mim...

Fica comigo!
Não apagues o que está escrito,
persuadindo o destino
em busca de desengano,
de mal traçado plano...
Somos dois e um só caminho;
não há outro a percorrer.

Se comigo não ficares
e pelo mundo vagares,
aqui vou permanecer...
E se voltares cansado
de falsos amores, marcado,
meu abraço irá te aquecer